Prayers for Peace in Guatemala

It has been nearly 18 months since Pr. José Pilar Alvarez Cabrera, who serves Iglesia Camino de Emaús (read about this new ministry), came to the United States with his family in September 2022, seeking asylum and safety from his home in Guatemala. Pr. Pilar and his family were forced to leave due to unrest and political persecution because of Pr. Pilar's work in the Iglesia Luterana Guatemalteca among the indigenous communities in Guatemala. The unrest has continued to heighten, and after months of protests and elections, and more protests and violence, it seemed that there would be a transfer of power to the president, fairly elected by the Guatemalans. However, this past weekend there was more violence perpetrated against Iglesia Luterana Guatemalteca when unknown individuals raided the church headquarters, particularly targeting materials that support indigenous Mayan communities.

The Southeastern Iowa Synod laments this violence, intimidation, and oppression of indigenous people. "Please let us remain united in prayer for La Paz and the security of the Church in Guatemala, for the peace in my country, and for the peace in the world. That is our deepest desire," says Pr. Pilar.

We pray:

Merciful God, hear our cry for mercy in the wake of the civil unrest and violence in Guatemala. Reveal your presence in the midst of their suffering. Help us all to trust in your promises of hope and life, so that desperation and grief will not overtake us. Come quickly to the aid of those who are oppressed, that they may know peace and joy again. Strengthen us in this time of trial with the assurance and hope we know in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. - Adapted from All Creation Sings


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