LSI and Iowa Synods Partner for Day of Advocacy

On Tuesday, March 14 Lutherans from across the state of Iowa gathered at the Iowa State Capitols to discuss with lawmakers several legislative priorities that directly impact the work that Lutheran Services in Iowa provides to Iowans who are most in need. Attendees gathered first at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Des Moines to learn about advocacy and hear from Iowa State Senator Rev. Sarah Trone Garriott. Participants then went into breakout sessions to learn more about the three legislative priorities, Investing in a Strong Human Services Workforce, Support for Iowa’s Mental Health System, and Support for Services that Empower Refugees and Immigrants. The advocates then went to the Iowa State Capitol building to have discussions with their representatives. This annual event continues to strengthen connections between Iowa congregations, Lutheran Services in Iowa, and lawmakers. Mark your calendars for Lutheran Day on the Hill on February 29, 2024.


Summary of the April 2023 Synod Council Meeting


Letter from Bishop Current: Lutherans and Advocacy