FreeIndeed Prison Congregation Closes

The ministry of the FreeIndeed Prison Congregation a congregation within the walls of the Anamosa State Penitentiary is now officially closed. Through action taken by the Southeastern Iowa Synod Council at their July 15 meeting, FreeIndeed Prison Congregation has been closed.

The Synod Council and the FreeIndeed Congregation did not make this decision lightly. The ministry which became the FreeIndeed congregation began nearly ten years ago.  In recent years, the combination of a total shutdown of the penitentiary during COVID-19, followed by a series of violent attacks inside the prison resulted in the cancellation of all outside-led activities. It became clear to those involved with this ministry that there was not a way to continue in its current form.

The Southeastern Iowa Synod is grateful to the many partners that made this ministry possible, including leadership from Pr. Jerry Collell, Pr. Dirk Stadtlander, the ministry’s steering committee and leadership council, the numerous volunteers who gave of their time to worship with the incarcerated individuals, and generous donors.

As resurrection people, Lutherans trust that in all death there is new life, members of our synod continue to pray for and minister to those who are incarcerated, have been or are currently involved in the criminal justice system and all who lives are touched by those in prison.


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